
Time Management

Introduction to Time Management

The concept of time management is regarded as use of one's time in an effective manner specifically at work (Cronin and, 2011). In other words, time management is considered as the procedure of organization and planning regarding the manner in which time can be divided among the particular activities. In the present study E-CRM project has been implemented.

The manner in which scope of work for project is broken down

The project that is E-CRM is broken into several activities so that targets can be attained in an effective manner. Division of the activities is done into several parts with the aim to attain it in minimum span of time. There is certain sub task designed for the project so that management can be done in an appropriate way.

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When the work breakdown would be used

Work breakdown structure is regarded as the method for gaining complex, multi-step project done. It is the manner to make division and conquer larger projects in order to get the things done in faster manner with effectiveness (de Leeuw and van den Berg, 2011). The major aim of work breakdown structure is towards making the larger projects manageable. Breaking down of the project into small chunks reflects that work can be done in simultaneous manner by varied members of team. Thus this results in increasing productivity of team and overall management of the project.

Why work breakdown differs for every phase of project lifecycle

The WBS is within the planning stage of the project life cycle. At this phase of project life cycle, the manager of the project works in the team for making sure that customers’ requirements are being addressed. The planning of project is done completely and it is being approved by the customers. Workbreak down is different in terms that several activities are required to be carried out at each stage for the sake of attaining the objectives of the project.

The main objective of project management is timely accomplished all such tasks and duties. Estimating project duration is a key function of scheduling. Individual activates may estimate their time and determine duration of whole project timetable (Eckerson, 2010). Project accuracy is based on time management where proper estimation of time is render on project duration. There majorly three techniques which are used in activity duration.

Work breakdown: In this techniques aid to reducing similar task where it takes extra and over time. Work breakdown means proper work distribution is as according to the time scale.

Gantt chat: in this estimation techniques work has been divided as per the time scale where project manager ensures estimated work distribution on according to time scale. In this techniques manager will ensue activity time rating on this chart. This chart is useful to determine measure distributed work time duration.

Historical: In this estimation technique management use historical data. If data is on the duration of the same activity where project management take average duration of the each estimated project.

In any of project there are such elements which may help to provide estimation of task which can be perform in this project. In project management report there is a provide a one estimated structure where it can help to provide guideline to which task you perform in this project (Lai and Wong, 2012). In project assignment task will be given in such report and them perform as effectively each on of task in their concerning project.

In project management there are various tools and technique with are used in project scheduling. Gantt chart and break down structure is help to increasing effectiveness in their concerning projects. Work breakdown means proper erk distribution is as according to the time scale. It can b helpful to creating effectiveness in work distribution. On the other hand, in this estimation techniques work has been divided as per the time scale where project manager ensures estimated work distribution on according to time scale (Mellat Parast, Adams and Jones, 2011). There is one more technique is also used in project scheduling that is PERT, in PERT is identify proper estimation of time scheduling and effectiveness in less completion of time. PERT is planning and control tool used for defining and controlling the tasks necessary to complete. PERT chart is used to identify critical path where such path is identifying effective time frame and done in minimum time scale.

In project management scheduling PERT can be used as a effective tool to identify proper estimated time frame and it aid to identify critical path of concerning work where project is completion in as minimum time. So in that situation focus on improving planning and scheduling of all concerning activities. In that situation properly forecasting of resource requirements. Properly identify all path and estimated time which can be help to attain as firstly before any work.

Critical path is help to identify proper work estimation whereas in project management scheduling PERT can be used as an effective tool to identify proper estimated time frame and it aid to identify critical path of concerning work where project is completion in as minimum time. It also provides minimum expected completion time, identify probability of work distribution techniques (Mithas, Ramasubbu and Sambamurthy, 2011). Critical path activities that impact on time frame. It can also helpful to maintain time frame and work distributions. It provides simplifying planning process and working methods.

In project scheduling there are lot of risk available it can be affect whole process and other activities. These are the actives may be concerning related to the project. Most of the time there is not proper work distribution which may affect time scale in project. And time scale performance is also creating a render impact on the whole performance. On the other side PERT is also create a risk where in PERT there is not proper identifying critical path which can be affect whole project management process. Risk can be identifying by some standards which can be coming from the PERT application. In this one major risk is like no proper time framing in work distribution which may affect destination point to accomplished task and such duties.

In project scheduling various resource are used in this activities like people, materials, time, machinery. These all resources are help to creating effectiveness in their project management where it can aid to effectively managed and generate effective outputs. People are creating their creativity in working practices which may help to doing more effective work and material are used to easily perform and completion of duties and task. Time can be effectively measure in resource allocation time management is used effectively to maintain all work performance and work distribution.

In project management scheduling PERT can be used as an effective tool to identify proper estimated time frame and it aid to identify critical path of concerning work where project is completion in as minimum time. I use time can be effectively measure in resource allocation time management is used effectively to maintain all work performance and work distribution.

In their project scheduling various agreement which can be help to build some legal compliance in project scheduling (Reimann, Schilke and Thomas, 2010). Where all work would be done on as undertaken in legal aspects. Where these practices are aid to provide easy way of doing such work, and it also provide effective way of doing such work.

The main objective of project management is timely accomplished all such tasks and duties. Estimating project duration is a key function of scheduling. Individual activates may estimate their time and determine duration of whole project timetable. Project accuracy is based on time management where proper estimation of time is render on project duration. There majorly three techniques which are used in activity duration. PERT chart is used to identify critical path where such path is identifying effective time frame and done in minimum time scale. On the other side PERT is also create a risk where in PERT there is not proper identifying critical path which can be affect whole project management process.

Description of the three methods that can be used to monitor and control the time on project

There are majorly three methods that can be used to monitor and control the time on projects which are as follows-

Gantt chart method- Gantt chart method is one of the major method which is used to for the management of time in the project. In this method, calenders, time task assignments in days, weeks or months are used (Lievens and Chapman, 2010). This tools uses graphic representations to show start, elapsed and completions times of each task within the project. With help of this method, individual can easily organism the project activities according to the time.

PERT chart- PERT method is used for improving the planning and scheduling of activities (Teece, 2010). In the project management according to the time, this method is highly beneficial under which identification of repetitive planning pattern can be used so as simplifying the planning process.

Break down method- This is another major important method of time management of project under which activities are organized according to the given time. Scholar can use this method for implementing various project activities according to time.

Description of the method and its used to measure, record and report on progress of activities

As per the above discussion it has been ascertained that there are various kinds of method and tools to measure time on the project (Kenny, 2011). Corporation have major objective is to accomplish the project according to the time and organize the activities within the specific time period. In order to measure, control and report on the progress of activities in the project, firm can use various methods which are as follows-

  • Set the time according to the project
  • Analyze the issue of the project (Trkman and, 2010)
  • Develop the time management strategies and techniques to manage the project
  • Implement the methods and tools to report the project
  • Systematic measurement and control the project according to the time.

Description about how method for monitor and controlled time changes

In order to monitor and control the time changes in the project, scholar have to develop appropriate strategies. With assistance of proper management of time and time activities of project can organize and accomplish within time (Nikolaou 2014).

How are variance identified

Variance can be identified by the proper management. By conducting proper activities according to the time, variance can be attaining within a specified time period. While scholar compare the actual and standard within the project then variance can be identified of the required project.

How you approach any required to change with regard to the impact of changes on other functions

While any changes occurred in the business then it directly affects the other function in the business enterprise like budget, quality, risk, contract and achievement etc. Other function of business can also affect by the change in the business.

Analyses the impact, gained agreement, recorded and communicated the change to the project stakeholder

It is very important to communicate the required change in the other stakeholder of the business like customer, employees, suppliers, investors etc. While company analyses various changes in the business then it will directly impact the performance of other stakeholders.

Progress report of the work carried out is that currently Marriott hotel has been delivering the quality services at hotel but people are more of like they want more in less so as forecast Marriott hotel has been making changes in order to attract people over its unique offerings which has been noticed and evaluated that this new addition in the portfolio has grabbed Marriott hotel more customers than before (Trkman and, 2010).

In the meeting conducted for the progress measured it was discussed that consumer behavior is important to understand for Marriott hotel, as by understanding the behavior of various age groups they will be able to achieve the foretasted objectives also.

Since communicating is important in every department of the organization, communication is a two-way process which benefits the organization. In Marriott hotel communication is very important process because in a hotel industry it is important to communicate the customer’s grievances to the authorities so that they can make the appropriate changes which can make the customer satisfied with the process. As Marriott hotel is among those industries which has been famous for its services thus the oral communication followed at Marriott hotels has been delivering great results for the hotel and sets a benchmark for other hotels.

As the work carried out in this report has been up to the mark if talked about time and scheduling terms. As it was scheduled every activity undertaken by the firm is up to the mark and every activity performed is completed in the time which was been allotted to each of the task done. Thus if talked about the effectiveness and efficiency of the people than it is up to the mark in this case. That drives Marriott hotels to effectively and efficiently achieve the objectives. The performance of employees has been significant in delivering the value to the customer thus this has made them one of the biggest hotel chains in the world.

As the progress have been seen in the hotel staff as they have performed great in the period mentioned as per achieving the deadlines also. But on the other hand there are some deviations which needs to be addressed in order to make 100% efficiency. It does not matter that what they have not been efficient in because until and unless it is not harming their brand image they didn't care. But as a part of study it is important to recommend them about the deviations to them which can be fixed in order to effectively achieve the desired results.

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a. As it has been seen that the work carried out by staff of Marriott hotel was as per the standards formed and thus they are able to achieve the scheduled work as and when it was expected. Thus the work was performed as per the scheduled. and that's why management has been able to achieve the objective in efficient and effective manner.

b. From this report this has been learned that to effectively manage a project, the manager of the organization has to deal with variety of functions which is scheduling the project, time taken for each task, and many other activities will be beneficial for the firm in order to make necessary amendments.


  • Cronin Jr, J.J. and, 2011. Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol.
  • de Leeuw, S. and van den Berg, J.P., 2011. Improving operational performance by influencing shopfloor behavior via performance management practices. Journal of Operations Management.
  • Eckerson, W.W., 2010. Performance dashboards: measuring, monitoring, and managing your business. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lai, K.H. and Wong, C.W., 2012. Green logistics management and performance: Some empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturing exporters. Omega.
  • Mellat Parast, M., Adams, S.G. and Jones, E.C., 2011. Improving operational and business performance in the petroleum industry through quality management. International journal of quality & reliability management.
  • Mithas, S., Ramasubbu, N. and Sambamurthy, V., 2011. How information management capability influences firm performance. MIS quarterly.
  • Reimann, M., Schilke, O. and Thomas, J.S., 2010. Customer relationship management and firm performance: the mediating role of business strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
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